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A Moment Like This (USA)
Above The Curve (USA)
Acapulco Bay (IRE)
Accumulate (GB)
Achilles Of Troy (IRE)
Actress (IRE)
Adagio (GB)
Adelaide River (IRE)
Admiral of The Red (IRE)
Admiraloftheblue (IRE)
Admiralofthefleet (USA)
Admirer (IRE)
Aegean Sea (IRE)
Aftermath (IRE)
Alabama (IRE)
Alder (IRE)
Alexander Pope (IRE)
Alexandroupolis (IRE)
Alexandrova (IRE)
Alfonso The Wise (IRE)
Alfred Munnings (IRE)
All Time Great (USA)
Allez Y (IRE)
Alphabet (GB)
Alwaysandforever (IRE)
Amalfi Coast (IRE)
Amsterdam (IRE)
Amusement (IRE)
Anchorage (IRE)
Andean Margin (IRE)
Andromeda (IRE)
Anthony Van Dyck (IRE)
Antonius Pius (USA)
Applause (IRE)
Arapaho (FR)
Arbutus (IRE)
Archipenko (USA)
Ark (IRE)
Armory (IRE)
Army General (USA)
Asking (IRE)
Astronomer (IRE)
At Dawn (IRE)
Athens (IRE)
Auguste Rodin (IRE)
Award Winning (IRE)
Ballet De La Reine (USA)
Ballet Slippers (IRE)
Ballydoyle (IRE)
Baritone (IRE)
Battalion (IRE)
Battle Cry (IRE)
Battleground (USA)
Beat of The Drum (IRE)
Bertinelli (USA)
Bolshoi Ballet (IRE)
Bonanza (IRE)
Boogie Woogie (IRE)
Boy Scout (GB)
Brighter (FR)
Brilliant (IRE)
Broadhurst (IRE)
Broadway (IRE)
Broome (IRE)
Bubbling (IRE)
Bucintoro (IRE)
Butterfly Rose (IRE)
Butterfly Wings (USA)
Button Up (IRE)
Buttons (IRE)
Bye Bye Baby (IRE)
Bye Bye Birdie (IRE)
Cabaret (IRE)
Cadamosto (IRE)
Cambridge (IRE)
Camelot (GB)
Campaign Trail (IRE)
Canford Cliffs (IRE)
Canute (USA)
Capulet (USA)
Caravaggio (USA)
Cardini (USA)
Caro Mio (IRE)
Carracci (USA)
Catch A Star (GB)
Catskill Mountain (IRE)
Century (IRE)
Chain Of Command (IRE)
Champagne (IRE)
Changingoftheguard (IRE)
Chantilly (IRE)
Chariots Of Fire (IRE)
Cherokee Trail (USA)
Cherry Blossom (IRE)
Cherry Hinton (GB)
Cherub (IRE)
Chief Little Rock (IRE)
Chief Whip (USA)
China Seas (IRE)
Chinese Whisper (IRE)
Christmas (IRE)
Christophermarlowe (USA)
Circumference (IRE)
City Of Chicago (IRE)
City of Troy (GB)
City Of Troy (USA)
Clemmie (IRE)
Cliffs Of Moher (IRE)
Coat Of Arms (IRE)
Coetzee (USA)
Cologne (IRE)
Comrade In Arms (USA)
Congo River (USA)
Contarelli Chapel (IRE)
Content (IRE)
Continuous (JPN)
Coolmore (IRE)
Coral Beach (IRE)
Cougar Mountain (IRE)
Could It Be Love (USA)
County Mayo (IRE)
Courtofversailles (USA)
Cuff (IRE)
Cummiskey (IRE)
Curvy (GB)
Cyclamen (IRE)
Daddy Long Legs (USA)
Dakini (IRE)
Dalmatian Coast (IRE)
Dame Kiri (USA)
Dawn Rider (IRE)
Days Of Glory (CAN)
De La Grandera (USA)
De Ville (GB)
Deadly Nightshade (USA)
Delphinia (IRE)
Democracy (IRE)
Deneuve (IRE)
Denmark (GB)
Different League (FR)
Divinely (IRE)
Douglas Macarthur (IRE)
Dower House (IRE)
Downing Street (IRE)
Dramatic (USA)
Dreaming of You (IRE)
Drummer Girl (IRE)
Drumroll (IRE)
Due Diligence (USA)
Duke Cador (IRE)
Duke Of Mantua (IRE)
Duke Of Marmalade (IRE)
Dylan Thomas (IRE)
Eaton Square (GB)
Ecstatic (JPN)
Effervesce (IRE)
Elizabethofaragon (IRE)
Emperor Of Rome (IRE)
Emphasis (IRE)
Engagement Ring (IRE)
Enthralling (IRE)
Erato (IRE)
Eskimo (IRE)
Espania (IRE)
Eternal Beauty (USA)
Everlasting (IRE)
Exhibition (IRE)
External Force (IRE)
Fairy Godmother (IRE)
Falcon Rock (IRE)
Fancy Blue (IRE)
Farnborough (IRE)
Fashion Design (IRE)
Fashionably (GB)
Father Christmas (IRE)
Fighter (IRE)
First Minister (IRE)
Five Dynasties (USA)
Flag Of Honour (IRE)
Flavius (IRE)
Fleet Review (USA)
Fleetingly (USA)
Flight Of Fancy (IRE)
Flinty Bay (IRE)
Fly With Me (IRE)
Follow A Dream (USA)
Fondly (IRE)
Foolish Love (IRE)
Foreign Legionary (IRE)
Forever And Always (IRE)
Fort McHenry (IRE)
Fort Myers (USA)
Foundry (IRE)
Four Carat (GER)
Friendly Face (IRE)
Friendship (IRE)
Frill (IRE)
Frost Giant (USA)
Gal Wonder (GB)
Gale Force Ten (GB)
Galilean Moon (GB)
Gallante (IRE)
Gallantly (GB)
George Vancouver (USA)
George Washington (IRE)
Get (IRE)
Gift From Heaven (IRE)
Giovanni Bellini (IRE)
Giovanni Canaletto (IRE)
Glimmer Of Hope (IRE)
Global Challenge (IRE)
Go For Gold (IRE)
Gold Bracelet (IRE)
Golden Eagle (GB)
Golden Pal (USA)
Grateful (IRE)
Greek Mythology (USA)
Greenfinch (USA)
Greenland (IRE)
Grenadines (IRE)
Gulf Of Mexico (IRE)
Gulliver's Travels (IRE)
Gushing (USA)
Gustav Klimt (IRE)
Hans Andersen (GB)
Hans Holbein (GB)
Harpo Marx (IRE)
Head To Head (IRE)
Heart To Heart (GB)
Height of Glory (IRE)
Henry Longfellow (IRE)
Hermitage Bay (USA)
Hermosa (IRE)
Hiawatha (IRE)
High Chieftess (IRE)
Hinde Street (USA)
Hippodrome (IRE)
Hitchcock (USA)
Homecoming Queen (IRE)
Homesman (USA)
Honeycomb (IRE)
Hootenanny (USA)
Horoscope (IRE)
Houghton (IRE)
Hourglass (IRE)
Hug And A Kiss (USA)
Hurricane Cat (USA)
Hypnosis (IRE)
I Have A Dream (GB)
Idle Chatter (IRE)
Il Paradiso (USA)
Imposing (GB)
Indigo Cat (USA)
Intelligence Cross (USA)
Inviting (USA)
Iseult Of Ireland (USA)
Italian Girl (GB)
Ivan Denisovich (IRE)
Jackie Oh (IRE)
Jan Brueghel (IRE)
Je Ne Regretterien (GB)
Jeux (USA)
Joaquin Sorolla (IRE)
Jungle Beat (IRE)
Keats (IRE)
Kenya (IRE)
Kestrel (IRE)
Khartoum (USA)
Kingsbarns (IRE)
Kisses For Me (IRE)
Laburnum (IRE)
Laddies Poker Two (IRE)
Lake Carezza (USA)
Lake Illawarra (IRE)
Lake Victoria (IRE)
Lambada (IRE)
Land's End (IRE)
Lap Of Luxury (IRE)
Le Brivido (FR)
Le Stade (FR)
Leap Year (IRE)
Leinster House (USA)
Leningrad (IRE)
Lily Pond (IRE)
Lisboa (IRE)
Little Big Bear (IRE)
Livery (IRE)
Loch Ness (IRE)
Lorenzo Lotto (IRE)
Los Angeles (IRE)
Lost (IRE)
Love (IRE)
Luck Be A Lady (IRE)
Luckin Brew (IRE)
Lullaby (IRE)
Lustre (IRE)
Luxembourg (IRE)
Ma Cherie (GB)
Madonnadelrosario (IRE)
Magic Sky (IRE)
Magical Kingdom (IRE)
Magistretti (USA)
Mahler (GB)
Make A Wish (IRE)
Marcus Andronicus (USA)
Master Gunner (USA)
Matrika (IRE)
Maybe Just Maybe (JPN)
Mayfair (IRE)
Meditate (IRE)
Medlock (GB)
Memphis Tennessee (IRE)
Meteoric (IRE)
Middlemarch (IRE)
Military Style (USA)
Milwaukee (USA)
Minkowski (GB)
Mogul (GB)
Montego Bay (IRE)
Montenegro (IRE)
Moscow Ballet (IRE)
Moscow Times (GB)
Music Box (IRE)
Must Be Magic (IRE)
Myanmar (IRE)
Naaluna (GER)
Navajo Warrior (JPN)
Necklace (GB)
Nelson (IRE)
Never Ending Story (IRE)
Neverland (USA)
Night Fever (IRE)
Nobilis (GB)
North Africa (IRE)
Nossenko (USA)
Notawordofalie (IRE)
Ocean Atlantique (USA)
Oh So Lovely (IRE)
Oklahoma City (GB)
Old Glory (IRE)
Olympic Flame (IRE)
Omar Bradley (USA)
One Cool Cat (USA)
Only (JPN)
Opaque (IRE)
Operating (USA)
Opulent (IRE)
Order Of St George (IRE)
Orinoco River (USA)
Ortelius (USA)
Osprey (IRE)
Over The Rainbow (IRE)
Pageant (IRE)
Papal Bull (GB)
Passion (IRE)
Peaceful (IRE)
Peach Tree (IRE)
Petrosa (IRE)
Pink Orchid (IRE)
Pink Sapphire (IRE)
Point Lonsdale (IRE)
Porto Cervo (USA)
Pour Moi (IRE)
Pour Vous (IRE)
Power (GB)
Prettiest (USA)
Pride of India (USA)
Promettre (GB)
Protege (IRE)
Proud And Regal (IRE)
Pure Elegance (IRE)
Pussycat Eyes (IRE)
Quantify (USA)
Queen Of Spain (IRE)
Queenstown (IRE)
Rainbow Promises (USA)
Rapidus (IRE)
Really Lovely (IRE)
Red Azalea (IRE)
Red Carpet (IRE)
Red Riding Hood (IRE)
Red Rock Canyon (IRE)
Refinement (IRE)
Report (IRE)
Requinto (IRE)
Rhett Butler (IRE)
Rhododendron (IRE)
Rifleman (IRE)
Rip Van Winkle (IRE)
River Thames (IRE)
Rock Of Cashel (IRE)
Roman Empire (IRE)
Rose D'etoile (IRE)
Royal County Down (IRE)
Royal Dornoch (IRE)
Rubies Are Red (IRE)
Salt Lake City (IRE)
Salut d'Amour (IRE)
Samuel Morse (IRE)
Samuel Pepys (IRE)
San Antonio (IRE)
Sanbonah (USA)
Santa Barbara (IRE)
Santiago (IRE)
Saracen Knight (IRE)
Saratoga (GB)
Saturn Girl (IRE)
Savethelastdance (IRE)
Savoir Faire (IRE)
Scandinavia (USA)
Scholar (IRE)
Scorpion (IRE)
Sea Goddess (IRE)
Seafarer (IRE)
Seattle (FR)
Second Guess (IRE)
Secret Admirer (USA)
Secret Service (GB)
Seek A Star (USA)
September Morn (IRE)
Serpentine (IRE)
Seville (GER)
Shackleton (IRE)
Shark Bay (IRE)
Shevchenko (IRE)
Silk And Satin (USA)
Silver Stirrup (IRE)
Silver Wraith (IRE)
Simply Marvellous (IRE)
Simply Perfect (GB)
Singing Sweetly (IRE)
Sioux Nation (USA)
Sir Lucan (IRE)
Sir William Bruce (IRE)
Sizzling (IRE)
Skip Along (GB)
Sloane Ranger (USA)
Smart Cookie (IRE)
Snow (IRE)
Snowflakes (IRE)
So Beautiful (IRE)
Solar Eclipse (GB)
South Dakota (IRE)
Sovereign (IRE)
St Kitts (IRE)
Star Ruby (IRE)
Star Seeking (IRE)
Starry Eyed (IRE)
Stars At Night (IRE)
Stratification (USA)
Stravagante (IRE)
Stroll In The Park (IRE)
Sugar Coated (IRE)
Sun Seeker (IRE)
Sweden (IRE)
Sweetest (IRE)
Syrinx (IRE)
Table Rock (IRE)
Taruskin (IRE)
Tea Party (IRE)
Tender Kiss (IRE)
Tenerife (IRE)
The Anvil (IRE)
The Entertainer (IRE)
The Equator (IRE)
The Irish Rover (IRE)
The Lion In Winter (IRE)
The Lute Player (IRE)
The Prairie (IRE)
Tidal Wave (GB)
Tiger Moth (IRE)
Tiger Paw (IRE)
Time To Boogie (USA)
To Arms (USA)
Touch Of Paradise (IRE)
Tower Of London (IRE)
Trademark (IRE)
Treasure Isle (IRE)
Trident (IRE)
Trivia (IRE)
Trustworthy (IRE)
Tumblebrutus (USA)
Turning Heads (IRE)
Turning Top (IRE)
Twain (IRE)
Twinkle (IRE)
United Nations (IRE)
Unless (USA)
US Ranger (USA)
Velocidad (GB)
Velvet Star (IRE)
Venus de Milo (IRE)
Verrazano (USA)
Victoria Road (IRE)
Villa D'amore (IRE)
Vilna (USA)
Visage (IRE)
Von Jawlensky (IRE)
Wading (IRE)
Walk In The Park (IRE)
Walkonthewildside (GB)
War Command (USA)
War Decree (USA)
Warm Heart (IRE)
Washington Dc (IRE)
Water Nymph (IRE)
Waterville (IRE)
Wedding Bouquet (IRE)
Wedding Vow (IRE)
Wembley (IRE)
Wentworth (IRE)
West Coast (IRE)
Whistlejacket (IRE)
Whitecliffsofdover (USA)
Wild Irish Rose (IRE)
Willow (IRE)
Win Me Over (IRE)
Windsor Palace (IRE)
Wingspan (IRE)
Winter (IRE)
With Good Grace (IRE)
Wonder of Wonders (USA)
Writingonthewall (IRE)
Wrote (IRE)
Yellow Mountain (IRE)
Yet (USA)
You'resothrilling (USA)